The COUNCIL ON SOUTHEAST ASIA STUDIES at Yale University oversees a multifaceted interdisciplinary program promoting education, research, and intellectual exchange on the cultures, politics, history and economies of Southeast Asia. Yale currently maintains one of the most extensive Southeast Asia library collections in the United States. Read more about our program…

Established in 1947, Southeast Asia Studies was the first area studies program at Yale - and by all accounts the first in the country to establish a program for the study of Southeast Asia in all disciplines. See SEAS History…

Images of Southeast Asia



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Brown Bag Seminar Series  
Wednesdays 12:00 noon


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Workshop at Yale showcases the work of junior research scholars from Myanmar

In April, CSEAS held a week-long in-person and virtual workshop where the mentees presented the results of their months of research. The event brought together junior researchers from Myanmar working on topics in human rights, law, anthropology, history, religious studies, and public health.

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Monograph #69

The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn

Edited by Pavin Chachavalpongpun

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Southeast Asia Spring Festival 2024

Electric energy and a celebratory atmosphere fill the Luce Hall common room. Attendees, holding plates of fragrant dishes, gather around a small, carpeted rectangle, acting as a stage. Organized by Yale’s Southeast Asia language studies program and sponsored by the Yale Macmillan Center’s Council on Southeast Asia Studies, the Spring festival is a celebration and a showcase of the cultural diversity of Southeast Asia through food and performances. The event was held on March 29, 2024, on the second floor of Luce Hall.

The Department of Indo-Pacific Art has recently opened an additional display featuring their exceptional collection of Indonesian shadow puppets (wayang kulit) and related arts in the second-floor galleries of Asian art at the Yale University Art Gallery.

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