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Highlights for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Alongside our famous lectures and courses, CSEAS is hiring a Tagalog/Filipino lector and hosting a diverse group of post-docs, visiting scholars, instructors, and students. 

Upcoming Events

Weekly brownbag seminar

Southeast Asia Studies Weekly Brownbag Seminar Series

The Council hosts a weekly lunchtime Brownbag Seminar Series featuring invited speakers from a variety of disciplines and institutions chosen for their ability to contribute to discussions of ongoing research by Yale students and faculty, and to reach interested audiences throughout the University. 


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Yale Southeast Asia Studies Monograph #69

RAMA X: The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn
Edited by Pavin Chachavalpongpun
Forward by Tyrell Haberkorn
Contributors:  Paul Handley, Federico Ferrara, David Streckfuss, Gregory V. Raymond, Michael Ruffles, Claudio Sopranzetti, Chatri Prakitnonthakan, Pavin Chachavalpongpun


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Student Research Grants

The Council provides funding to Yale students for research and study abroad through two grant programs. Application deadline for 2025 fellowship competitions is February 28, 2025.


Language Studies

Through Council resources, formal instruction at Yale is currently offered from elementary through advanced levels in INDONESIAN and VIETNAMESE.


SEA Related Courses

Find courses that are either entirely dedicated to Southeast Asian content or include Southeast Asian perspectives within broader academic fields.
